Service Description
Acupuncture is a therapeutic method that we know today from themedical tradition of China. It's fame has spread far and wide in the Western world in recent decades as its application has provided relief in innumerable and varied cases of ailments. Through the placement of needles in special points of the energy channels that move and distribute the vital energy (qi) in our body, we influence the entire organization. The purpose is to balance the yin yang actions of the receiver and the facilitation of functions that maintain body healthy. From the point of view of Western Medicine, it has been found that acupuncture has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, moves the lymph, activates the immune system, improves blood circulation and is thus able to deal with many kinds of diseases, to relieve symptoms and contribute to disease prevention by reducing stress levels. By raising the healing powers of the organism itself it is directed in dealing with the root cause of the disease-symptom. In the context of the therapeutic process with natural means it can combined with other methods such as shiatsu, reflexology, herbal medicine, qi gong, and with changes in eating habits producing excellent results.
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, kindly contact us more than 24 hours before your session start time. All sales are final. Sales are non-transferrable. The Complimentary 2 Hour session is to be used one time per customer. Not combined with other packages or plans. Non-refundable, non-transferrable. No exceptions.
Contact Details
Alkimachou 1, Athens, Greece